
BIN Attack Fraud

Card not present (CNP) transactions are those where the purchase is made without presenting the physical card to the merchant at the point of sale. As more and more physical stores are using EMV-compliant terminals, Javelin Strategy & Research credit card fraud statistics report that card-not-present fraud is now 81% more likely to happen than card-present fraud. Card-not-present transactions can be done via online merchants, telephone orders, or mail. There are various modus operandi to commit CNP fraud, such as account takeover using phishing scams, malware infection to capture keystrokes, or friendly fraud. In such scenarios, the cardholder is involved in the fraud, and it is kind of a personalised attack. However, today we will talk about an impersonal attack where a fraudster exploits a BIN (bank identification number) and uses distributed computing power to automatically generate the remaining numbers and test these combinations to see which card numbers are correct and if the cards are active. This kind of attack is called BIN attack fraud. The subtlety of BIN Attack fraud is that it does not involve any data breach or ID theft; it is just a pure random coincidence that a victim’s card number is chosen. The compromised cards can have a significant impact on issuing banks in terms of chargebacks, call c entre volume spikes, and re-issuance expenses. Furthermore, any cardholder disruption or friction during this tenure leads to a loss of interchange revenues. The damage to the bank’s reputation could lead to cardholders switching the bank’s services to another, more secure bank. A merchant involved in BIN attack fraud faces increased disputes or chargebacks, additional fees, and regulatory fines. Depending on the nature of the attack and risk profile, the acquiring bank may choose to suspend support for the merchant’s site. The cardholder’s bank may restrict purchases from your site, resulting in further financial losses. Refunding any fraudulent transactions is an operational challenge, not to mention the reputational loss. Thus, BIN attack fraud is a problem both for issuers and merchants. Preventing a BIN Attack Fraud To prevent BIN attack fraud, the merchant or the issuing bank can deploy a few techniques: Enable 3D security. The latest version of EMV 3DS 2.x is an additional security layer for online credit and debit card transactions that aims to achieve a balance between security and user convenience. As a merchant, enable a CAPTCHA test to tell humans and bots apart. While this may create friction for genuine customers, it’s an effective deterrent against BOT scripts. Deploy an anti-fraud solution that can look at many aspects and block transactions or alert your fraud analyst. A good anti-fraud solution should have: Ability to spot multiple low-value transactions (unusually low for the merchant’s business). Multiple declines within a short period The timing of transactions may be unusual for the merchant, business, or cardholder. A large number of transactions from the same BIN were attempted in a short period of time (a few seconds apart). IP Velocity Checks: Even though these days, through proxy and spoofing, fraudsters can make it seem that the transactions are coming from different IPs, Use an anti-fraud solution that deploys good device fingerprinting techniques to solve this issue, as fingerprinting is impervious to IP proxies. Unusually large volume of international transactions for a given merchant or for a cardholder. Look for patterns, cards with sequential numbers, the same card number but different expiration dates, or CVV codes. Ability to create a profile for the merchant and cardholder and alert in case of any significant deviations. There are a few additional measures that the industry could take, such as creating advisory, actionable intelligence, and a listing of sites that anti-fraud tools can take advantage of. EMV 3DS 2.x allows merchants and acquirers to do a risk assessment prior to making an EMV 3DS authentication call to the issuer. A combined risk assessment from both the acquiring and issuing sides acts as a strong deterrent to fraudsters. Both issuers and acquirers can pool their intelligence and create a shared intelligence pool of fraud markings to identify common points of fraud. Information on declines on the switch side during authorization when fed into 3DS authentication ACS gives actionable intelligence to anti-fraud tools. BIN attack fraud is still a crude brute-force attack vector that is detectable, and preventive measures can be taken to interrupt it. A well-informed merchant and bank implementing a defensive anti-fraud solution that keeps itself abreast of the latest advisories combined with continuous monitoring of anomalous behaviour can stay a step ahead of this kind of fraudulent attack. Author: Ajit Nair, Director Product Management Wibmo A PayU/Naspers FinTech Company Cnp, Fraud, Fraud Prevention, Payment Fraud, Payments

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Moving beyond SMS OTP Authentication

If you have ever transacted or purchased online, you must have come across the OTP Authentication. The system-generated code delivered through SMS on your device serves as a verification of the claim that you are the actual owner of the device as well as the account/card/wallet through which the transaction is initiated. The authentication or verification of our identity as who we claim ourselves to be is a part of our day-to-day lives. Be it checking in at the airport or going past the security desk of an office, though we identify ourselves with our name, we authenticate ourselves with some other form of ID card. With growing security concerns, both in the physical and digital worlds, authentication methods have evolved not only to protect but also to provide a seamless experience to users. The ways in which one can be authenticated fall into three categories: · Knowledge: Something the user knows (eg. Password) · Ownership: Something the user has (eg. ID card) · Inherence: Something the user is (eg. Fingerprint) The above categories are referred as the Authentication Factors and the use of the number of factors in an authentication process derives its name. · Single-factor Authentication: Requires providing only one piece of verifiable information such as a password · Two-factor Authentication(2FA): Requires providing two pieces of verifiable information such as a password and then proof of possession of their smartphone (through an SMS OTP delivered on that device) · Multi-factor Authentication: Required to provide two or more pieces of verifiable information. As in the case of 2FA, where two categories (factors) of information are required, it is also considered an MFA. The idea of an OTP was first suggested in the 1980s by Leslie Lamport. With growing attacks and increasing authentication requirements, many patented OTP algorithms were developed. Today, OTPs are synonymous with two-factor authentication and are thought to augment existing passwords with an extra layer of security. Yet, fraudsters manage to circumvent it every day. SIM SWAP: In this scenario, a fraudster uses the stolen identity (name, email, government ID, etc.) to trick a mobile service provider into issuing a new SIM card for an existing phone number. Once the new SIM card is active, the original SIM card will be shut down, and the fraudster will try to gain access to the user’s financial application. Once the fraudster has gained access, the last line of defense—2FA or SMS OTP, is compromised. JAILBREAK or ROOT: Removing software restrictions put in place by manufacturers, to gain full access to the device’s operating system is called “jailbreaking” for iOS and “rooting” for the Android operating system. Generally, it is aimed at customizing the user experience or gaining access to a greater variety of unofficial apps. Jailbroken and rooted devices are susceptible to malware and viruses due to the weakened built-in security features of the devices. This eliminates security controls made by the manufacturer, which enables hackers to steal personal information, attack the network, or introduce malware, spyware, or viruses to circumvent the authentication measures in place. Investigating the feasibility of implementing a code by financial institutions that checks if the device is rooted or jailbroken prior to the installation of the mobile application and disallows the mobile application to install or function if the phone is rooted or jailbroken, can save its customers from possible fraud. Increasing layers of security is not a feasible solution for financial institutions when consumers prefer speed and convenience, even when it comes to accessing financial services online. User experience has become one of the determining factors when it comes to user adoption in any industry globally. Not receiving an SMS OTP, is one of the most painful experiences one can have as a user. Latency, in addition to the SMS cost, is a challenge for financial institutions in the exponentially growing digital era. Maintaining a balance between fighting fraud and improving the consumer experience is a challenge. Leveraging inherence-based authentication, such as biometrics, or ownership-based authentication, such as push notifications on the registered device, are some of the authentication measures that cater to both security and the consumer experience. Technological solutions with multiple authentication measures other than SMS OTPs and device binding are the way forward for providing a delightful customer experience without compromising security. Author: Sujit Kumar Mahato, Product Manager Wibmo A PayU/Naspers FinTech Company Authentication, Fraud Prevention, Global Digital Payments, Payments

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Why is Biometric Authentication becoming the headline in the world of Digital Payments?

The last decade has witnessed a progressive adoption of technology in almost all the industry. Few industries like banking and fintech have embraced the technology to grow in leaps and bounds. The revolutionizing spread of internet has ushered in an incredible increase in the number of the users and in turn the addressable market. The hitherto latent yet humongous body of rural population is today enabled with fintech services like online payment and transaction and even Ecom. The one word which has propelled the whole population into the digital payment however is rather old fashioned -TRUST Let’s dive deeper with an example. When a small business owner from a village in Bihar pays a vendor residing in another state, he needs be assured that the payment would indeed be done. Similarly, a migrant labourer, slogging in the southern state need to believe that his hard earned money is indeed going to reach his family in a matter of minutes if not seconds. However both the people also need assurances that it would be paid only to the intended parties and not to anyone else! Authentication: The foundation of trust in the digital payment space Authentication is used most commonly to assure the consumers of reliability. However, the question remains if the authentication mechanisms used currently produce the highest levels of trustworthiness. Let’s delve into the circumstances where multifactor authentication is the best option. The following two out of the three ways have proved to be a strong medium for payment authentications: · Possession: for example, a documented identify or device, etc. · Knowledge: for example, a password or secret, etc. · Inherence: for example, their fingerprint, hand, face, etc. History of Biometrics — An evolved tool used in payment securities Although biometrics go way back into human history, the contemporary commercial usage of biometric authentication began in the mid-nineteenth century using fingerprints by William James Herschel, a British administrator in India. Biometric authentication gained popularity among consumers and service providers with the rising usage of feature-rich smartphones and other devices enabled with high-resolution cameras. The instant gratification was stoked with the biometric authentication as it is based on the biological traits which are unique to every individual and cannot be faked. One of the most widely used examples of biometric usage is that of Aadhaar card in the Indian Market: All Indian residents are given an Aadhaar number, which is a 12-digit unique identification number. This figure is derived from their biographic and biometric data (a photograph, ten fingerprints, two iris scans). The concept was originally related to government subsidies and unemployment benefits, but as its authenticity is proved, it now includes a payment scheme. The growth of biometric payments in a post-pandemic world According to global surveys, the pandemic has heightened awareness and acceptance of biometric payments. This popularity doesn’t show any signs of abating as we step into the post-pandemic era, thanks to a focus on sanitation and contactless payments. Biometric authentication is popular due to the simple and uncomplicated process that it entails. Unlike the conventional authentication techniques, which suffer from glitches like not getting an OTP or issues with the strength of the internet network. Biometric payments are becoming more popular in large and densely populated countries such as Russia, South Africa, Kenya, Nigeria, Ukraine, India, and others. Consumers sense the simple and foolproof option of biometric authentication is safer, quicker, and simpler. Biometric authentication provides several advantages over knowledge-based and possession-based authentications: 1. It’s universal, as these metrics can be found in every human. 2. It is unique. 3. It is permanent, as metrics like fingerprint or dental don’t change. 4. It can be easily recorded if the consumer wants it to be so. 5. Finally, it can be measured for comparison and cannot be falsified. Conclusion: Though there have been cases where Biometric authentication based on statistical algorithms may occasionally provide false positives, resulting in erroneous results, the benefits of using biometric authentication for digital payments outweigh the drawbacks. This is causing a significant shift towards its adoption, and it seems to be continuously growing. In a diverse socioeconomic environment like India which has a population that is both cost-sensitive and aspirational, there is no other solution that can beat biometric authentication. Author: Shatrughan Sharma, Global Head- Payment Security Wibmo A PayU/Naspers FinTech Company Authentication, Biometric Authentication, Global Digital Payments, Payments, Secure Payment

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Faster and Convenient Authentication

Before the invention of the steam-driven railways in the 1800s, mankind was dependent on animal pulled wagons to transfer goods. The Tanfield Wagonway in England, the first large-scale railway, used horses to haul coal-filled wagons from the mining village of Tanfield. On the lookout for faster and more convenient forms of transportation, evolved from horses driven wagons to steam engines, from steam to diesel, and from diesel-driven to engines driven on electricity. Fast forward to the 21st century, the world is experimenting with hydrogen-powered trains. Consider the banking industry. Though there is no trace of the word ‘banking’ before the 1600s, the practice of safekeeping, saving, and transacting money can be traced back to the temples of Babylon. The Arthsashthra, written by Chanakya around 300 BC, has mentions of ‘hundis’ or letter of transfer. Had the banking industry failed to ride the technological horse, money transfer initiated through hundis would have taken days or at least hours, to reach the designated payee through the fastest railroad. Thankfully, the banking industry learned to ride the technological horse and today with the help of electronic transfer can facilitate the process of money transfer. Electronic transfer not only made money transactions faster but also convenient for the people, who were saved from the age-old hassle of going to a nearby branch and waiting for their turn in the long queues at the bank teller. Can money transactions be made faster and more convenient for the customers? The movement of the electrons, involved in the electronic transfer, cannot be made faster with current feasible resources nor the customers can have a more convenient experience in making transactions from the comfort of their homes. The only way to provide a better — faster and convenient- banking service could be through optimization of steps involved in internet transactions. A large part of the processes involved in electronic money transfer is dominated by Authentication or security — ensuring the money transfer takes place from the genuine customer. The introduction of OTP has been a major advancement in the banking industry. However, it is the one step that may be loved by the banks but hated by customers, especially when the OTP fails to arrive on time or when the user makes a mistake. Removing OTP altogether poses a serious threat to security and thus banks still rely on OTP services for user authentication. This brings us to the question — How authentication can be made faster and more convenient? Is it possible to have convenient security? The answer lies in DATA. Let’s consider a simple case of house-rent transfer. A genuine user would be transferring the same house-rent amount month after month to the same account, using mostly the same wifi connection (ISP), the same laptop/mobile, and may be even on the same day of the month. A fraudster, for sure, wouldn’t be so generous to take the pain of paying rent on the user’s behalf. All the parameters above can be easily tracked and monitored with data. The answer to a “Faster & More Convenient Authentication/Security” lies in identifying the right set of data and formulating them into risk assessment. Higher risk should demand stricter authentication whereas lower risk should lead to faster and convenient -frictionless transactions, paving way for customer delight. The pandemic has accelerated the adoption of cashless transactions across the globe and is forcing the bank, more than ever, to evolve in order to meet the demands of smartphone-led online shopping culture, with cards and digital wallets rising in prominence. Banks need to leverage data and segregate high and low-risk transactions in order to provide ‘faster and convenient authentication to their customers. The demand for a fast, reliable, secure, and frictionless payment experience by customers requires banks to adopt fraud detection systems, which leverage the power of data through advanced machine learning technologies. When it comes to detecting subtle patterns which help in the identification of fraud transactions, machines are more effective than humans. Today, irrespective of the field, the power to leverage data, to provide ‘faster and convenient service, is one of the biggest assets for any organization. The faster and higher the convenience, the greater is the customer delight. The greater the customer delight, the higher is the customer loyalty. Author: Sujit Kumar Mahato, Product Manager Wibmo A PayU/Naspers FinTech Company Authentication, Digital Payment, Fraud Detection, Payments, Paytech

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